Thursday, April 4, 2024

What is a High-Tech Toilet?

Talking about your toilet features is not a normal conversation at dinner. If you have a high-tech toilet, this is not the case. What is so special about them? Better yet, ask yourself what's not great about them.

Although it might not be as advanced as a Tesla, it is a high-tech toilet! These "super toilets," in many styles and prices, are made to provide comfort, cleanliness, and convenience to improve your bathroom experience. These newer models also come with the EPA WaterSense label, which helps your toilet use less water, perform better, and reduce your monthly water bill. These toilets have so many modern features that they give the average toilet a run for its money.

Now that you are curious let's look at a high-tech toilet's most innovative and popular features.

1. Built-in Night Lights

You won't have to stumble in the dark or turn on the bright bathroom lights at 2 AM. Many high-tech toilets have built-in night lights, which glow inside the bowl. This allows you to navigate the bathroom easily without turning on any other lights. You can even change the colour of some toilets!

2. Integrated Bidets

A bidet is a toilet-handling device that lets you flush water from your body. This personal hygiene tool, first popularized in Japan and Europe with Japanese toilet designs, allows for a gentle stream of water to rinse your skin. It leaves you feeling cleaner and refreshed than just using toilet paper. Some bidet toilet seats have additional features such as:

  • Water temperature adjustable
  • Adjustable water pressure
  • Heated seat
  • Self-cleaning nozzles
  • A heated air dryer
3. Bluetooth Speakers

Bluetooth speakers. As if there was another reason to use your phone while you wait, that's what it is. Bluetooth is an option on some high-tech toilets. The toilet's Bluetooth receiver can read the Bluetooth signal from an iPad or smartphone and allow you to stream music straight to your phone. You can also use the SD card slot to create a playlist for your bathroom and program a greeting for guests who visit your bathroom. Who wouldn't love a friendlier toilet with rainforest sounds?

4. Touch-Screen Remote

Virtually every high-tech toilet comes with a remote controller that allows you to control the features and adjust them to suit your needs. Although you may not be able to turn on the TV from your bathroom, the remote can control Bluetooth music and the bidet's features like the warmer. For those with limited mobility, the remote can be especially useful.

5. Dual Flushing Action

Image Credit: Tapron UK

Europeans have used dual-flush toilets for decades. Amazingly, no one else has used them as long. Dual-flush toilets have two separate valves that each have their flush speeds. Partially for liquids and complete for solids. These toilets are less likely to clog than standard toilets. They also use 68% less water per flush than low-flow toilets. This helps you save money over the long term.

However, not everyone can afford high-tech toilets.

The plumbing professionals can help you install a high-tech toilet if you have recently bought one. They offer affordable toilet replacement services by licensed and insured plumbers.